Automation Controls

Programmable Logic Controllers -- Our Engineers and Technicians have been delivering Industrial Automation solutions for over 25 years. We work with both manufacturing organizations and machine builders to Implement the latest technologies and dramatically improve system performance on automated machinery and production lines. We place a high degree of importance on developing well structured, robust code that can be modified and maintained as systems evolve.

Robotics -- With extensive experience in robot programming and robotic automation, our industrial robot expertise includes pick and place applications, vision and robot integration, complex robot pathing, palletizing, precision assembly, SCARA robots, and articulated robots. We can make use of advanced coordinate system features to reduce complexity and edvelopment time.

VFD Controllers -- Drive and automation technology has progressed dramatically in the last few years. We can engineer, supply, and installa single or multi-motor drive system complete with controls or as a retrofit or add-on to an existing installation. We also offer extensive drive support for most VFD drives on the market.