HVAC Services

At HWX Enterprises, we originate intelligent energy conservation solutions by way of innovative heating and energy management systems. We optimize your facility's heating and cooling equipment through solution design and engineering, as well as turn-key installation services. In turn, this creates results that are not only more efficient, but better for the world at large.

hvac services hvac services

These Value Added Services Include:

  • Assessment Surveys - Our engineering teams will visit each facility to evaluate the feasibility of a technology upgrade.
  • Cost Saving Analysis - A study will then be prepared that provides budgetary numbers for potential project cost and energy savings. The energy savings impact is evaluated based on the savings potential, space condition requirements, any available utility rebates and potential EPAC tax deductions.
  • Custom Design & Engineering - Using our proprietary analysis and design system, fully customized solutions are developed, incorporating energy conservation measures selected to fulfill your specific needs.
  • On-Site Project Supervision - Our professional project managers are involved through the entire process of planning, implementation and on-going management support, minimizing any internal resource demands.